Applications for 2013 are now open. Please submit applications by July 31, 2012.



Basis of Selection

In making nominations, the Selection Committee will have regard to those qualities which Cecil Rhodes listed in that section of his will in which he attempted to define the type of Scholar he was seeking; literary and scholastic attainments; fondness of and success in outdoor sports, qualities of truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship, exhibition of moral force of character and instincts to lead and to take an interest in one’s contemporaries.

Qualities of intellect, character and leadership are what the committee will be looking for in a candidate. A Rhodes Scholar should not be one-sided or selfish. Intellectual ability must be founded upon sound character and integrity of character upon sound intellect. Cecil Rhodes regarded leadership consisting of moral courage and interest in one’s fellow beings as in the more aggressive qualities. It was his hope that a Rhodes Scholar would come to esteem the performance of public duties as the highest aim. Continuing physical vigor to enable a Scholar to make an effective contribution to society is as important as prowess in a particular sport.

Financial need gives no special claim to a Rhodes Scholarship. The will lays down that no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a Scholarship on account of race or religious opinion.

In the absence of sufficiently qualified candidates the Selection Committee will make no nomination